Saturday, March 03, 2007

You're kidding right?

Some people take my words a bit too seriously. I am a college student blogging for myself about a sport I enjoy. If other people read what I write great but I tend to write my posts quickly and I don't go back to edit them later. Therefore, my posts should be taken with a grain of salt. Also, please remember that these are my words and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of people or groups I am associated with. Finally, I take offense with the accusation that I am not being truthful. Truth is subjective (Don't believe me? Ask anyone on the losing end of history). There are multiple sides to every story. This is my blog and so it will tell my side. You are welcome to disagree but just because you don't like what I said doesn't mean that I am intentionally lying. It simply means that we have different opinions.

Take it or leave it people. If you don't like what I write, don't read it. My opinion really shouldn't mean that much anyways.

And on that note, have a wonderful Saturday!
Besos to all, even those who don't like me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get used to it. The are people out there with some quite staggeringly thin skins who will object to the most innocuous comment.

Most of them, in my experience, are also quite happy to pass on any unsubstantiated rumours verbally (generally behind the back of the subject of the conversation) and totally fail to see the hypocracy.

Stick to being honest. Maybe the teams you suggest have a reputation for certain behaviour should ask themselves why they have such a reputation.